Thursday, August 13, 2009


On one hand they say
“trust everyone even if they put you down”

then they say
“if a person fools you once its his fault, if he fools you twice, its your FAULT.”

Being born and brought up amongst self contradictory phillosophies I took the path best for me, listening to myself, to my own soul and then others.

Trusting a person is good for a healthy life, but too much trust can be toxic. If a person lets down your trust too much, too many times its better to let that person go. No matter how indispensable that person is. He should go.

His intentions may be harmless, but the fact is his presence is toxic to you, you can point out his way once, twice but how many times will you say, “you are hurting me” without feeling guilty? Its better to move over.

Later when we look back at these relationships we thank ourselve for moving on.

After we all have but one life, why waste it among people who are toxic for us?

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