Sunday, September 20, 2009

Cute kitso

Meet kitso: my self proclaimed pet.. a pet I am trying to ignore as much as I can because I live in a rented house and I don’t want any problem with my landlords.

But every morning I open my windows she appears.. a cute little thing begging for biscuits.

Thrice she has showed up with boyfriends too, first one was tiny bandit, who pounced on her biscuits.. next two were really cute looking as herself, but all disappeared after a night.

She is a darling thing but I have to pretend that she doesnot exists..

Friday, September 4, 2009

two too boring things

two boring things in one day...

first, i was simply relaxing in the morning when a friend of mine asked to chat, no i dont chat with any one but two of my friends.. because the chatting is horrible here.. my connection is too slow and disturbs too much. well, i tried yahoo first, i tried to log in it ordered me to supply to secret questions+answers or else it wont let me enter. i decided to not log in at all. i will stop using them completely..they can keep their silly rules for themselves, i have last taken orders from my parents.

second, i logged in in wordpress to put up my latest blogs and saw that they have changed the entire look of the website.. and i hated the new one... i loved the old one where we could see the latest blogs.. :(


Tuesday, September 1, 2009

his way

When do we actually grow up? When we learn to accept it gracefully that the person I love most may have his very own way of life, which may not resemble with mine at all.

We may be as different as black and white, our maturity reflects when we don’t try to prove ourselves superior, or try to pull him down so we can be alike.

We simply accept his ways and decide whether we can continue the journey together. If not then we may walk away after discussing the reasons.

So many times I see people hurting themselves and others by this attempt to change others.. trying to make a businessman out of a saint or saint out of a businessman. Somewhere deep inside it reflects immaturity, which wants to control the other person’s life.